How Video Games Changed My Life

No one ever starts out super confident right?

Surely everyone has gone through a point in their life where they hate themselves, and feel lost about who they really are?

Well I don’t know the answer to that, but I do know that I used to be extremely insecure. I barely talked, and I could not connect with others. I was super weird and different from everyone else, and that really took a toll on my self-esteem.

But you know what helped? Online multiplayer video games.

Of course it wasn’t the only thing that made me more confident. But I don’t know, I distinctly remember playing Overwatch for the first time with other people. I was pretty nervous, but I soon warmed up to it and it became easier to talk to them. Suddenly, communicating in real life was easier as well.

I play Rainbow Six Siege now, which is a lot more intensive and teamwork is essential. I find that it actually helps me think more critically. If I want to do well, I have to plan out what to do before the action phase begins. No…before that, while I’m selecting my character. If my teammate is being difficult I have to figure out how to resolve the situation. If my original plan doesn’t work, I often need to come up with a new strategy on the spot. I learned how to communicate with strangers, as well as how to stay calm under pressure.

Video games used to get a bad rep. (Well…they still kinda do.) Of course it’s bad to waste your life away playing video games all day if its not your job. But I think it’s important to consider the impact video games can have. Such as improving one’s social skills and learning how to work better as a team.